notes from a silent retreat
early hours waking up in the early hours sitting here with you you unbeknown to me closest though late for everything still waiting to begin
to wait when there is no longer
any reason to wait for
just to wait for
appearing out of nowhere the wind pathways everywhere opening in its passage
the wind opening of passages where you hear mountains whisper deep in the starry night
the wind both path and destination in and out of nowhere the home of everywhere
from time to time
a lone night bird sings in the valley
more than a song a listening
plunging you into the world of silence
silence where worlds come and pass breathlessly seamlessly traces erasing traces
here not for long briefer than a stone’s breath crossing a mountain brook still in the measureless we dwell abode we never enter never leave err about endlessly err about with grass
and galaxies
our hands empty we receive leaves falling in the hills and unanswered questions about this journey pilgrimage through this wilderness the unknown the nameless
noise of thoughts subdued deepening silence
is it silence i don't know
unsure whether remembering or forgetting
just the presence of things just presence and nothings
a nameless radiance through which clouds emerge trees emerge and this body plume of incense
slowly drifting
passingness cuts right through the angles invites you to look closer yet itself doesn't see
this day only a sacrament inviting you to the source open space
in this mirror where shadows come to dance all that can be seen a shimmering in the morning rain
in this mountain cabin sitting with november cold gusty winds carry us through the week
to step into this darkness studded with shivering lights
glistening vast distances beckon from the window there is no out there
there is no in here just nearness as silence dissolves the veils
